Why A Mastermind for Male Dentists?

Listening to my content is great but working with me is where we get to actually apply the things I talk about and teach and begin to create real change and transformation in your life.

Are any of the following relevant for you?

  • Are you a man looking to step into your power, increase your productivity and profitability, as well as claim more leadership in your life?
  • Are you stuck in the “Nice Guy” routine and not getting the respect you deserve?
  • Are you confused and lost when it comes to your responsibility as a man in today’s day and age?
  • Are you slacking as a husband, or losing intimacy and connection with your spouse and feeling more like roommates with rings?
  • Are you present as a dad, or are you disconnected from your children?
  • Are you feeling like there is no true work/life balance and you are burning out?
  • Are you feeling like you should be a lot further along in life and your practice than you are, and that it just takes too long to get to your goals?
  • Are you feeling lost and don’t have a lot of drive and don’t feel like you have a specific purpose?
  • Do you feel like you are playing small and know that you are capable of much more?
  • Do you feel like your body is becoming de-conditioned and serving more like an anchor than a weapon?

I help male dentists

  • Reconnect to their masculinity
  • Cut the “Nice Guy” bull shit
  • Claim more power, productivity and profitability
  • Become better leaders
  • Improve connection with spouse and children
  • Create a vision and have a purpose
  • Have a body that is fit and weaponized
  • Operate by a Code of Truth and Integrity
  • To find clarity within
  • To level up on 4 domains: Body, Being, Balance & Business
  • Collapse Time with living a challenge based lifestyle

What this coaching is

  • Deep, personal and transformational work
  • An internal deep dive into what is holding you back in life, relationships and your practice.
  • A space to reclaim you power, clarity and certainty
  • A place to expand, reflect and develop a compelling vision for your future
  • Becoming a 4-dimensional man
  • Improving your relationship with yourself and others as a man through integrity, accountability and unfiltered feedback.
  • A new mindset and proven systems for success

What this coaching is not

  • A bunch of tips
  • A lesson plan for how to be a man
  • Me telling you what to do
  • Me bestowing a Limitless mindset on you , simply for showing up
  • Me saving you
What this coaching is not

Men and leaders are not born, they are made. Men must go through an external process of realizing manhood, while women realize their womanhood internally. A woman’s body is her initiator into womanhood through her first period, whereas a man’s initiation comes only from other men. 

Truth bomb:

You will place more demand on your wife if you do not have a group of men to support you. She doesn’t want to carry the full weight of your emotional reality!

Who is the one of the most dangerous men in the world? A man without a vision or purpose. Why? Because he is willing to burn things down in order to rebuild them… including himself, relationships and businesses. A man without purpose can be blown about by a gust of wind being taken in any direction.

One of the many reasons I do this work is because it’s ground zero for creating real change. It starts with men, relationships and families, and trickels into everything else from there.

So many men equate being a masculine man by cultivating an Alpha male bravado. You can learn a bunch of tips and tricks to “be more Alpha”, but that is never going to touch the hollowness you feel inside. Everything you need is already inside you… you just need to unlock it in order to cultivate a Limitless mindset and achieve your true potential.

The Power Of Community:

The Lone Wolf

  • Talks about doing big things
  • The loudest voice is his inner critic
  • Faces adversity on his own
  • Has no one to witness his success

The Men In Community

  • Is up to and completes big things
  • The loudest Voices are his brothers
  • Has men in the foxhole with him
  • His brothers celebrate his success

Why does a man need the presence of other men in his life?

  • To challenge him
  • Hold him accountable
  • Speak into his life
  • Speak into his Gap
  • A safe place to give and receive feedback
  • Release true feelings and emotions
limitless logo

When men support each other, they naturally orient each other towards action.

As wonderful as the nurturing, caring and compassionate instinct of a woman is… A man needs the element of FIRE in his life to truly thrive. This is most naturally delivered and found in the presence of other men. Where a woman will pat you on the back and tell you it’s all going to be okay, your brother looks you in the eyes and tells you that you need to level up and do better. He then walks the path forward with you.

What can I expect in “Ignite” mastermind?

You can expect to be challenged and supported.

We Live By A Code, which is building the strength of your word (honoring your word). Telling the truth and living in the facts, not fantasy and fiction.

The group is oriented around a shared commitment that we are all here to move forward in life with a ruthless commitment to big ass results.

It’s an experiential process, meaning it’s something you need to experience for yourself in order to truly grasp it.

I’ve been living this way for nearly 7 years and I am constantly blown away by how deeply impactful this work can be.

Is there a cost involved?


Personal transformation requires having skin in the game. You must be willing to invest Time, Money and Effort in order to create the changes you want. 

Free groups lack the commitment and accountability that I strive to create in my masterminds. You want to be around men who are invested, not just passive on-lookers.

Side note, when men level up their game of Power (the capacity to do)… it’s not uncommon to see their production and income increase dramatically.

What is “Ignite” The Limitless Dentist men’s mastermind?

This 90 Day Mastermind gives you everything you need to unlock Limitless Power, unlock Profits & Purpose in your practice, and unlock connection in your marriage and life.
This will be an experiential process where a man first learns to lead himself through his relationship with other men. Learn, Live, Lead.
In the mastermind he receives feedback, guidance, support, challenges, brotherly love, and the consistent presence of men in his life.

It is a place for a man to explore his masculinity, expand across 4 domains of Body, Being, Balance and Business. He is able to face himself and his fears, while developing  bonds through brotherhood.  And… be held accountable to becoming a better Husband, Father, Leader and Businessman.

Should I join?

That is completely up to you. If it makes you feel something in your gut, especially fear and trepidation… It's generally a good sign that there is going to be something positive and great for you on the other side.

A group of likeminded men:

It’s hard to find a place where men can go just be men. Here you will find a group of men who are committed to expansion and excellence. This Mastermind is not for the faint of heart or the delicate little snowflakes. It takes work, commitment, effort and courage.

It is truly unlike anything else available in day to day living. It is a great opportunity to come face to face with yourself to develop as a 4-Dimensioal man.